Blogs > Newborn hearing screening

newborn hearing


Newborn hearing screening

Hearing loss is one of the most common sensory deficits in the first year of life. Hearing loss can lead to speech and language delay, poor academic performance, etc. In infants, it is necessary to identify hearing loss at early stages to minimize those impacts. 

However, children who have the following risk factors have a higher chance of testing positive for hearing issues. The risk factors include ototoxic medications, premature birth, low birth weight, high bilirubin level, intensive care in excess of 7 days, family history of hearing loss etc.

As the number of risk factors, an infant is exposed to increases, the chances of hearing impairment increase. Children with hearing loss in the absence of risk factors show the necessity of undergoing the hearing examination in all neonates.

Therefore it is recommended for every born child to undergo the hearing screening test. Newborn screening should be screened by all infants no later than 1 month of age. If a child does not pass a hearing screening test, it is very important to get a detailed evaluation done as soon as possible.

However, children with risk factors should be tested not only at birth but should be under surveillance throughout childhood because they may be at risk of having progressive hearing loss. 

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